discovering lecce

The beauty of the town

Discover all the places of major historical interest.
lecce city center

Buildings and squares

- Sant'Oronzo Square

- Castle of Lecce (Castle of Charles V)

- Cathedral Square

- Palmieri Boarding School

- Palace of the Celestines

- Former Conservatory of Sant'Anna

- Marrese Palace

- City gates: Porta Rudiae, Porta Napoli and Porta San Biagio

- The city's largest tree: Via Santa Maria del Paradiso

Roman Theather

Museums And Theaters

Provincial Museum Sigismondo Castromediano -

Faggiano Museum -

Roman Theater of Lecce -

Paisiello Theater -

Porta San Biagio lecce salento

churches and convents

- Basilica of the Holy Cross

- Church of San Nicolò dei Greci

- Church of Santa Chiara and Piazzetta

- Former Convent of the Theatines

don't miss the surroundings

Discover our Salento guide!